The California Lottery is celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2025 with
special games available for a limited time. **40 Years of Play! Scratchers ®**
brings a bevy of prizes to start the year-long anniversary celebration. You'll
be in a golden state of mind and feeling your California pride when you play
this game with chances for 2X, 4X, and 5X prize multipliers, a $40 instant win
for discovering a "WIN" symbol, and up to ten chances to **WIN A TOP PRIZE OF
$40,000!** Feeling especially festive? Pair this game with its companion **$40
40 Years of Play! Scratchers ®** for an extra blast of celebratory play!
How to play 40 Years of Play! in California
Match any of "YOUR NUMBERS" to any "WINNING NUMBER", win "PRIZE" shown.
Uncover a "2X", "4X" or "5X" symbol to automatically multiply and win that corresponding prize.
Uncover a "WIN" symbol, win $40 instantly!
40 Years of Play! has a score of 65, making it
a worse than average scratchoff.
There are 10,814,815 tickets remaining. At $2 per ticket, it would cost $21,629,630 to buy all remaining
tickets. According to the latest reports from the California lottery website, there
are $14,093,435 in remaining prizes.
The value of the remaining prizes is below
the cost of the remaining tickets by $7,536,195. With 10,814,815 tickets remaining, that's an average of
-$0.70 per ticket.
An average of 149,373 tickets have been claimed each day between
2/16/2025 and 2/23/2025. The largest prize
claimed in that time period was $1,000.
The last grand prize of $40,000
was claimed on 1/1/1970. 0 tickets have been sold since the last grand prize was claimed. With
13 grand prizes in the game,
it's expected that there will be 1 grand prize sold every 1,215,146 tickets.