How to Play #1483 Loteria Grande
Purchase a Ticket
Find an Arizona Lottery retailer and tell the cashier you’d like to purchase a #1483 Loteria Grande ticket. Tickets cannot be purchased online.
How to Play
Scratch off the CALLER CARDS and the BONUS CARD area to reveal 15 symbols. Then scratch only the symbols on BOARD 1 and BOARD 2 that exactly match the CALLER CARDS and BONUS CARD symbols. The area around the symbols will change to a lighter color to make it easier to spot a win. If you match all 4 symbols to complete an entire horizontal or vertical line on a BOARD, win prize shown for that BOARD’s line.Â
Raspe las áreas de TARJETAS DE LLAMADA y TARJETA DE BONIFICACIĂ“N para revelar 15 sĂmbolos. Luego, raspe solo los sĂmbolos del TABLERO 1 y el TABLERO 2 que coincidan exactamente con los sĂmbolos de las TARJETAS LLAMADAS y de la TARJETA DE BONIFICACIĂ“N. El área alrededor de los sĂmbolos cambiará a un color más claro para que sea más facĂl detectar una ganancia.Si combina los 4 simbolos para completar una lĂnea horizontal o vertical completa en un TABLERO, gane el premio que se muestra para esa lĂnea del TABLERO.
Claim Your Winnings
$1 - $599 Prizes
All Arizona Lottery retailers will redeem prizes up to $100, and may redeem prizes up to $599. Find a Location
$600+ Prizes
Redeem your prize by completing a Winner’s Claim Form, then mailing it or bringing it to the Phoenix or Tucson Arizona Lottery office. See our Winner’s Brochure to learn more.
There are 2,885,916 tickets remaining. At $5 per ticket, it would cost $14,429,580 to buy all remaining
tickets. According to the latest reports from the Arizona lottery website, there
are $9,879,540 in remaining prizes.
The value of the remaining prizes is below
the cost of the remaining tickets by $4,550,040. With 2,885,916 tickets remaining, that's an average of
-$1.58 per ticket.
An average of 6,127 tickets have been claimed each day between
3/3/2025 and 3/10/2025. The largest prize
claimed in that time period was $500.
The last grand prize of $50,000
was claimed on 1/1/1970. 0 tickets have been sold since the last grand prize was claimed. With
9 grand prizes in the game,
it's expected that there will be 1 grand prize sold every 322,700 tickets.